Somaljobs Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Somaljobs! We understand that sometimes things don't go as planned, and you may need to request a refund. This policy outlines the circumstances under which we offer refunds for our services.

General Policy:

  • Somaljobs generally does not offer refunds for services rendered. This is because we provide access to a platform that connects job seekers with employers, and we cannot guarantee the outcome of any interaction or transaction that takes place on our platform.
  • However, we understand that there is may be extenuating circumstances that warrant a refund. We will consider refund requests on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific facts and circumstances of each situation.

Specific Situations Where Refunds May Be Granted:

  • Technical Issues: If you experience technical issues with our platform that prevent you from accessing or using our services as intended, we may offer a refund. Please contact our support team to report any technical issues you encounter.
  • Duplicate Payments: If you are accidentally charged twice for the same service, we will issue a full refund for the duplicate payment.
  • Incorrect Service: If you purchase a service that is not what you intended, we may offer a refund or exchange depending on the circumstances.
  • Extenuating Circumstances: In rare cases, we may offer a refund for other reasons at our discretion. Please contact our support team to explain your situation.

How to Request a Refund:

If you believe you are eligible for a refund, please contact our support team through our website or email us at [support email address]. Please provide a detailed explanation of your situation and any relevant documentation. We will review your request and respond to you within [number] business days.

Additional Information:

  • This refund policy is subject to change at any time without notice.
  • This policy does not apply to any third-party products or services offered through our platform.
  • For more information about our terms of service, please visit our website.

We hope this policy is helpful. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.